Title: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Author: Susan Cain
Year: 2012
Pages: 333
1) Where is the book on the narrative continuum?
This book is a mix. It is highly narrative with periods of fact-based prose.
2) What is the subject of the book?
The book is about introverts, introversion, extroversion, and interpersonal relationships.
3) What type of book is it?
General non-fiction that is about social, economic, and/or political sciences.
4) Articulate Appel
What is the pacing of the book? Leisurely
Describe the characters of the book: The book does not focus on any one character. Rather, the it explores many people's experiences as introverts.
How does the story feel? The story feels informative with a little bit of uplifting tone.
What is the intent of the author? To inform people about introversion. To help introverts see that there is strength in introversion.
What is the focus of the story? Exploring introversion through different people's lives, stories, and expert theories.
Does the language matter? Yes.
Is the setting important and well described? For some of the stories, yes because the setting, which is well described, gives more insight as to the relevancy of introversion in certain situations.
Are there details and, if so, of what? Yes. There are details about scenarios involving introverts' lives.
Are there sufficient charts and other graphic materials? None.
Does the book stress moments of learning, understanding, or experience? Yes. The book stresses the understanding of introversion and the relationships of introverts with other introverts as well as with extroverts.
5) Why would a reader enjoy this book (rank appeal)?
1. Leisurely pacing
2. Learning, experiencing
3. Characterization
Great prompt response! You do a great job writing informative and concise answers. Full points!