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Showing posts from January, 2017

How I Choose Books

Working in a library gives me access to tons of books. I must admit that I typically read what comes across my desk based on the title. That is to say, I first see the title of books that are being shipped to my library and then I read the back of the book or the excerpt from the inside jacket to help me decide whether to read a book or not. My library uses NoveList which I find to be a helpful tool in finding read-alikes. I have also used Goodreads because I really like to see what other people are saying about the books they are reading. I also check my local library's blog to find out what other librarians are recommending. IndyPL's page is called Staff Picks and can be found at: Overall, I look for books in a lot of places. For myself, there is nothing like looking at a book in person and studying it before I decide to read it.

NoveList Suggestions

1. I am looking for a book by Laurell K. Hamilton. I just read the third book in the Anita Blake series and I can’t figure out which one comes next!      Of, course I help with that. It looks like the next book is called The Lunatic CafĂ©. I like to use a database called NoveList Plus which you can use with your Indianapolis Public Library card. I found that title by doing an author search and then clicking on the series tab to open up the Anita Blake series. The titles are listed in order of publication date which makes it really easy to figure out the next title in the series. 2. What have I read recently? Well, I just finished this great book by Barbara Kingsolver, Prodigal Summer. I really liked the way it was written, you know, the way she used language. I wouldn't mind something a bit faster paced though.      A great way to find read-alikes is through our database NoveList Plus which you can use with Indianapolis Public...

Reader Profile

If a book does not make me feel anything I am probably not going to read it. What can I say? I am an emotional reader. Last year almost every title I read had something to do with romance or relationships. I like the feel good romance books where the girl gets the guy that she never thought she would get. There is also something to be said about uplifting stories. To me, reading is about the escape. I like to get away from everyday life and step into a good book. Teen and Young Adult books also appeal to me due to the emotionally-charged nature. I used to say that I am not a non-fiction reader, but the truth is I do like some non-fiction titles. I gobble up Self-Help and Inspirational titles. Again this touches on my emotional side. I will also admit that I am a slow reader. For this reason I tend to like books on the shorter side. Less than 300 pages is usually what I go for. However, I did read all of the Twilight books in under a month. So I will give longer books a try if they ...